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website bug no verification code [playstation] Castle Crush: Epic Card Games






tomatometers - 4,8 / 5. language - English. Version - 4.0.13. Fun Games For Free. size - 206,3 megabyte. genres - Strategy. When I began playing I was overjoyed. Simple game to learn, fun, and i was not doing horrible. Then in arrived at castle 3. I started seeing troops i had not yet even begun to deal with. Then more troops i had not been privileged to pick up in the earlier castles. Now after countless hours playing i have realized that the matching system pretty much has decided who will win from the start. The card generator at the bottom seems to have no real random structure. Even if you have one large gem card you will somehow end up only having a hand of 5-6- or higher gem cards to play when you can even use that many at the time. Meanwhile your opponent has been able to somehow deploy numerous troops while you have to wait. By the time you get enough open and available gems, your opponent is now throwing their big guns at you since you had no choice but to wait. Within seconds you are overwhelmed and the match is over.

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